Although being served with an AVO is not the same as being charged with a criminal offence, breaching an AVO can result in criminal charges being laid and, if you plead guilty or are found guilty of a breach, a conviction is likely to be recorded.
To make a final apprehended personal violence order (APVO), the court must be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that:
To make a final apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO), the court must be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that:
AVO stands for Apprehended Violence Order. It is an umbrella term used to refer to both APVOs and ADVOs. An AVO is an order for someone’s future protection. It imposes restrictions on your behaviour.
APVO stands for Apprehended Personal Violence Order. This type of AVO will be sought if you are not or have not been in a domestic relationship with the PINOP.
Common examples include:
ADVO stands for Apprehended Domestic Violence Order. This type of AVO will be sought if you are or were in a domestic relationship with the PINOP.
What does balance of probabilities mean?
In simple terms, if the court is satisfied of something on the ‘balance of probabilities’, it means ‘more likely than not’. This is different to (and lower than) the standard of proof required in criminal cases, which is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.
What is a personal violence offence?
A personal violence offence is an offence of violence. Common examples include:
What does intimidation mean?
Intimidation includes:
What does stalking mean?
Stalking includes:
What is a domestic relationship?
You have a domestic relationship with someone if:
What is a domestic violence offence?
A domestic violence offence is a personal violence offence committed against someone you are, or were, in a domestic relationship with.
This will depend on a number of factors. While an AVO is not a criminal charge, if you breach the conditions of an AVO you could be charged with contravening an AVO, which is a criminal offence. If you have concerns about the PINOP making a false allegation, you should carefully consider whether to consent to a final AVO.
You may be willing to agree to a final AVO on a with, or without, admissions basis. Agreeing without admissions is usually an approach taken if you do not accept some or all the allegations made in the grounds of the AVO, but do not wish to go to a hearing.
You may also agree to a final AVO, but not to all of the conditions being sought. In these circumstances, your lawyer may be able to negotiate with the prosecutor to delete or vary some of the conditions.
If I do not consent to a final AVO, does it remain in force until the final AVO hearing?
Normally, yes. If you do not consent to a final AVO and do not want to consent to an interim AVO, your matter will be listed for an interim hearing. At an interim hearing the court will hear evidence and determine whether it is necessary or appropriate in the circumstances to make an interim AVO. If an interim AVO is made, it remains in force until the final AVO hearing.
If I plead guilty or am found guilty of a domestic violence offence, do I have to agree to an AVO?
If you plead guilty or are found guilty of a domestic violence offence, the court must make a final AVO, unless it is satisfied that an AVO is not required (if, for example, a final AVO has already been made).
If I successfully defend an AVO, could I be awarded costs?
It is generally very difficult to have costs awarded in AVO proceedings, especially if the applicant was a police officer. You should ask your lawyer whether you can apply for costs before court, because any costs application must be made at the end of the AVO hearing.
The applicant is the person who applied for the AVO. This will usually be a police officer (in the case of a police AVO) or the PINOP (in the case of a personal AVO).
AVO stands for Apprehended Violence Order. This is an umbrella term used to refer to both APVOs and ADVOs.
An AVO is an order for someone’s future protection. It imposes restrictions on your behaviour.
ADVO stands for Apprehended Domestic Violence Order. This type of AVO will be sought if you are or were in a domestic relationship with the PINOP.
APVO stands for Apprehended Personal Violence Order. This type of AVO will be sought if you are not or have not been in a domestic relationship with the PINOP.
The person who made a complaint to police. Often also referred to as the alleged victim.
The person against whom an AVO is sought. If a criminal charge(s) has also been laid, the defendant is often referred to as the accused.
Domestic violence offence
A domestic violence offence is an offence committed against someone you are, or were, in a domestic relationship with. Common examples include:
DVEC stands for Domestic Violence Evidence in Chief.
This is the recorded statement taken from complainants of domestic violence. The recording becomes their evidence in chief (their version) during a court hearing.
DVLO stands for Domestic Violence Liaison Officer. This is a specialised police officer who provides advice to police in domestic violence cases and assists PINOPs through the court process.
ERISP stands for Electronically Recorded Interview of a Suspected Person. This is the disc which contains the recording of your interview with police.
Final AVO
A final AVO is an AVO made by the court. It remains in force for as long as the court orders. Normally, this is 12 months or 2 years. A final AVO will be made if:
Interim AVO
An interim AVO is also an AVO made by the court. An interim AVO remains in force until:
Mini brief
When a person is charged with a domestic violence offence, the prosecution is required to serve a ‘mini brief’ of evidence on them on the first mention date. The mini brief will usually contain the police facts, the complainant’s statement (or DVEC) and any photographs on which the prosecution intends to rely.
OIC stands for Officer In Charge. This refers to the police officer who is in charge of your case.
PINOP stands for Person In Need Of Protection – the person for whose protection the AVO is sought.
Personal violence offence
A personal violence offence is an offence of violence. Common examples include:
Provisional AVO
A provisional AVO is an AVO granted by the police or court in response to an urgent application by police. A provisional AVO remains in force until:
An AVO is not a criminal charge. It is an order for the PINOP’s future protection which imposes restrictions on your behaviour.
If you breach the conditions of an AVO you could be charged with contravening an AVO, which is a criminal offence. The maximum penalty is 2 years imprisonment and/or 50 penalty units (i.e. a fine of up to $5,500).
The AVO must include the following condition:
Orders about behaviour
You must not do any of the following to the protected person(s), or anyone they have a domestic relationship with:
What additional conditions might also be attached to an AVO?
The AVO may also include some or all of the following conditions:
Orders about contact
Orders about family law and parenting
You must not approach or contact the protected person(s) in any way, unless contact is:
Orders about where you cannot go
You must not live at:
You must not go into:
You must not go within a certain distance of:
Order about weapons
Other orders
This will depend on a number of factors. While an AVO is not a criminal charge, if you breach the conditions of an AVO you could be charged with contravening an AVO, which is a criminal offence. If you have concerns about the PINOP making a false allegation, you should carefully consider whether to consent to a final AVO.
You may be willing to agree to a final AVO on a with, or without, admissions basis. Agreeing without admissions is usually an approach taken if you do not accept some or all the allegations made in the grounds of the AVO, but do not wish to go to a hearing.
You may also agree to a final AVO, but not to all of the conditions being sought. In these circumstances, your lawyer may be able to negotiate with the prosecutor to delete or vary some of the conditions.
If I do not consent to a final AVO, does an interim or provisional AVO remain in force until the final AVO hearing?
Normally, yes. If you do not consent to a final AVO and do not want to consent to an interim AVO, your matter will be listed for an interim hearing. At an interim hearing the court will hear evidence and determine whether it is necessary or appropriate in the circumstances to make an interim AVO. If an interim AVO is made, it remains in force until the final AVO hearing.
What is a provisional AVO?
A provisional AVO is an AVO granted by the police or court in response to an urgent application by police. A provisional AVO remains in force until:
What is an interim AVO?
An interim AVO is an AVO made by the court. An interim AVO remains in force until:
Who can make an application to vary provisional or interim AVO conditions?
The following persons can apply to vary provisional or interim AVO conditions:
How do I vary provisional or interim AVO conditions?
If you would like to vary the conditions attached to either a provisional or interim AVO, you or your lawyer should first check whether the police and/or the PINOP consent (agree) to the proposed variation. If the variation is by consent, it will normally be made by the magistrate when your matter is next listed at court.
If the police and/or PINOP do not agree to the proposed variation, you should file a form called Application to Vary or Revoke Apprehended Violence Order, which can be found of the NSW Local Court website. A copy of this application must be sent to the police and/or the PINOP (if the AVO was not initiated by police).
Your matter will then be set down for an interim AVO hearing, where the court hears evidence from the parties in relation to the nature of the variation sought, the reasons for the application and the views of the police and/or PINOP.
If the court is satisfied that it is appropriate to vary the AVO, the condition(s) will be varied. If the court is not satisfied that the AVO should be varied, the application will be refused and the conditions will remain the same.
What is a final AVO?
A final AVO is an AVO made by the court. It remains in force for as long as the court orders. Normally, this is 12 months or 2 years. A final AVO will be made if:
Who can make an application to vary a final AVO?
A police officer, or an interested party, can apply to the court for the variation of a final AVO.
If the variation concerns a child, then an interested party must seek leave to make the application.
Interested parties may include:
How do I vary conditions attached to a final AVO?
You should file a form called Application to Vary or Revoke Apprehended Violence Order, which can be found of the NSW Local Court website. A copy of this application must be sent to the police and/or the protected person (if the AVO was not initiated by police).
Assuming the application is opposed, the matter will then be set down for a hearing, where the court hears evidence from the parties in relation to the nature of the variation sought, the reasons for the application and the views of the police and/or protected person.
If the court is satisfied that it is appropriate to vary the AVO, the condition(s) will be varied. If the court is not satisfied that the AVO should be varied, the application will be refused and the conditions will remain the same.
What other variations can be made?
As well as seeking to delete or vary some of the conditions, the protected person, a police officer, or the parents of the protected person (if the protected person is a child) can also ask the court to:
What is a final AVO?
A final AVO is an AVO made by the court. It remains in force for as long as the court orders. Normally, this is 12 months or 2 years. A final AVO will be made if:
Who can apply to revoke a final AVO?
A police officer, or an interested party, can apply to the court for the revocation of a final AVO.
If the order concerns a child, then an interested party must seek leave to make the application. Interested parties may include:
How do I make an application to revoke a final AVO?
You should file a form called Application to Vary or Revoke Apprehended Violence Order, which can be found of the NSW Local Court website. A copy of this application must be sent to the police and/or the protected person (if the AVO was not initiated by police).
Assuming the application is opposed, the matter will then be set down for a hearing, where the court hears evidence from both parties in relation to the reason(s) revocation is being sought and the views of the police and/or protected person.
If the court is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, the AVO will be revoked. If the court is not satisfied that the AVO should be revoked, the application will be refused and the AVO will remain in place.
If I pleaded guilty or was found guilty of a domestic violence offence, can I still ask the court to change the AVO conditions?
Yes. Even though on a plea of guilty or a founding of guilt for a domestic violence offence the court must generally make a final AVO, you can still apply to have the conditions changed and/or have the AVO revoked.
If you have been charged with a domestic violence offence (such as common assault or intimidation), it is likely that police will also apply for an AVO. This AVO will run alongside the criminal charge(s). If you plead not guilty to the criminal charge(s), your matter will be listed for hearing. The court will decide whether to make a final AVO at the end of that hearing.
Even if you have not been charged with a criminal offence, police can apply for a stand-alone AVO. If this is the case, and you do not agree to a final AVO being made, you can defend the AVO.
These pages outlines what the court will consider when deciding whether to make a final AVO (whether or not you have also been charged with a criminal offence). It also outlines the process involved in defending a stand-alone AVO.
There are two types of AVOs:
Stand-alone AVOs are dealt with in accordance with Local Court Practice Note No 2 of 2012, which can be found on the NSW Local Court website. It is important that you understand the process, as there are strict rules to follow.
If you breach the conditions of an AVO you could be charged with contravening an AVO, which is a criminal offence. The maximum penalty is 2 years imprisonment and/or 50 penalty units (i.e. a fine of up to $5,500).
To make a final apprehended personal violence order (APVO), the court must be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that:
To make a final apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO), the court must be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that:
Stand-alone AVO hearings – the process
If you tell the court that you do not agree to a final AVO being made, the court will firstly set a timetable, directing both parties to exchange the evidence on which they intend to rely on at the AVO hearing.
After the evidence has been exchanged, there will be a compliance mention to make sure that both parties have exchanged their evidence.
At this compliance mention, the matter will be listed for an AVO hearing.
The timetable
Ordinarily, the applicant will have 2 weeks to file and serve:
Once you have received this evidence, you then have 2 weeks to file your evidence. Again, this will include:
It is very important that you file and serve all the evidence on which you intend to rely at the AVO hearing in accordance with the timetable because:
Compliance mention
Approximately 1 week later there will be a compliance mention to make sure that both parties have exchanged their evidence.
If you have not served your evidence and/or you do not attend the compliance mention, a final AVO might be made in your absence.
If both parties have exchanged their evidence, and you still do not agree to a final AVO being made, the matter will be listed for an AVO hearing.
AVO hearing
At the AVO hearing, the magistrate will:
At the end of the AVO hearing, the court will decide whether to make a final AVO.
To make a final Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO), the court must be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that:
To make a final Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO), the court must be satisfied on the balance of probabilities that:
What does balance of probabilities mean?
In simple terms, if the court is satisfied of something on the ‘balance of probabilities’, it means ‘more likely than not’. This is different to (and lower than) the standard of proof required in criminal cases, which is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.
What is a personal violence offence?
A personal violence offence is an offence of violence. Common examples include:
What does intimidation mean?
Intimidation includes:
What does stalking mean?
Stalking includes:
What is a domestic relationship?
You have a domestic relationship with someone if:
What is a domestic violence offence?
A domestic violence offence is a personal violence offence committed against someone you are, or were, in a domestic relationship with.
What happens if I do not serve my evidence?
If you have not filed and served your evidence in accordance with the timetable set by the magistrate, you should attend the compliance mention and explain to the magistrate why you have not done so. You should ask for a further adjournment to obtain your evidence. It is possible that the magistrate may not grant this adjournment and may make a final AVO. You should speak to a lawyer without delay.
What if I want to give further oral evidence at the hearing?
You will only be permitted to give additional evidence-in-chief with the court’s permission, and only if it is about something that occurred or became known to you after your written evidence was filed and served.
If I successfully defend an AVO, could I be awarded costs?
It is generally very difficult to have costs awarded in AVO proceedings, especially if the applicant was a police officer. You should ask your lawyer whether you can apply for costs before court, because any costs application must be made at the end of the AVO hearing.
Hugo Law Group is a law firm that is focused on protecting and defending your rights. Drawing on decades of experience, our team of criminal lawyers will guide you through the legal process, providing comprehensive, honest and strategic advice – qualities that give us our renowned reputation.
Whether you want to plead not guilty, you are looking to secure the best possible sentence, or a loved one wants to apply for bail, it is essential to have an experienced team of criminal defence lawyers in your corner.
Seeking comprehensive and practical advice at an early stage will best ensure your rights and interests are protected. Our lawyers will properly prepare and present your case to assist you in getting the best possible outcome.
At Hugo Law Group, we will clearly explain what your rights and obligations are so that you can make informed decisions about how to deal with the police and the court process.
Even if you have not yet been charged with a criminal offence, you should seek advice from a lawyer at an early stage to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.
Hugo Law Group is the market leader in criminal defence law, providing exceptional representation to people facing serious criminal charges.
As leaders in criminal defence, we know that every story has two sides. We defend yours.
Get in contact with us today or feel free to call us at 02 9696 1361 (Sydney), 02 5104 9640 (Canberra), 08 6255 6909 (Perth), or 07 5552 1902 (Northern NSW) and find out how we can help you.